10 Ways to help your CBC schoolers cope with stress

CBC curriculum has moved a notch higher by those joining Grade 7 reporting to various schools this week. Parents have been reporting this curriculum is full of challenges and stressors, especially for kids. It is very important for these children to develop copings skills – to manage the stress. Below find some tips for helping your kid feel less stressed and learn how to cope.

  1. Do some assessment..
    Ask these children if there is something bothering them…if you have noticed something bothering them, ask about it .
  2. Breakdown homework.
    If the kid is given several home work it can be overwhelming to the kids attention issues. Break it into chunks, allow fun or play in between. Praise them for each set of accomplished assignment.
  3. Prepare early for new stuff
    You have seen parents complaining about the kind of home projects given to these children( Me included). Some have been taking assignments preaching a sermon and you are supposed to take a video and sent to the teacher. Knowing what to expect is helpful to your kid and this helps kids feel less anxiety about participating.
  4. Celebrate even the smallest wins .
    Past successes helps one feel confident. Identify opportunities to praise your kid.
  5. Creat a “can do” notion
    Impart positive thoughts in your kid by repeating the positive phrases over and over ..this can be soothing.
  6. Stick to routines
    Have an organised home and set daily rituals. Stick to that routine whenever possible. Eh if the child plays with peers after homework, let it be routine. Have some structure for weekends too.
  7. Give your kid opportunity release pressure. Allow them do exercises and play with peers.
  8. Don’t over schedule activities. This worsens stress. Leave some days open.
  9. Be clear and reasonable in your expectations.
    Tell your child what you expect but be realistic. Break down a big task into several small ones. Reminders are also helpful to these kids, accompany them when performing these chores.
  10. Consider getting outside help…find a class or group that can help your child learn and get supported mentally. At goodwill mental health champions we help children with learning and thinking differences to help them with stress management skills


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