The teens years or adolescence is a period of development that comes with many challenges. This is due to societal expectations, school work and the biological changes that are occuring in these boys and girls. Moreover, it is a time when the brain is developing. Body wise, these boys and girls seem mature but brain wise areas of decision making abd critical thinking are yet to develop, thus the need for mentoring. As a result of maturing brain, these boys and girls are prone to influence from their peers just to fit without critically analyzing the pros and cons of what they intend to do or engage in. Currently, substance use/abuse is a major problem facing the adolescents. Is there a worse drug? All drugs have the potential of producing bad health outcomes, whether in the short term or long term! There is no worst or best drug! To these young ones, their brain is still developing and its development shall be complete in the mid twenties, thus they are vulnerable to the negative effects of drugs.

How can you tell if a teen is using drugs?

  1. Acting withdrawn
  2. Frequently tired, hostility or depressed
  3. Peer group change
  4. Poor or carelessness in grooming
  5. Academic performance decline
  6. Missing school and classes
  7. loss of interest in once pleasurable activities
  8. Sleeping habit changes
  9. Eating habit also changes
  10. Poor or deteriorating relationships with family and friends

When teenagers start experimenting or using drugs early, they are at risk of early addiction and later develop Substance use disorders later in their life.
It also affects the brain- The brain is who you are! It controls how you think, move, speak, breath and feel even when you are asleep! Engaging in early use of drugs affects the prefrontal Cortex of the brain responsible for assessing situations, Making sound decisions and controlling emotions and impulses thus the adolescent will experience a major problem in these important life skills.

Can your child get help?
Book an appointment with us at Goodwill Mental Health champions.

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